
Showing posts from 2022

The Concious Consumer

As  consumers become more and more conscious about their role in the depreciation of our planet, we are switching our lifestyle behavior and making more people, pet and planet friendly decisions. As a consumer myself I have a voice in my head that asks me do you really need this at the time of purchase? How many calories does this have? Is this product tested on animals? And today's biggest question "is this organic?". Some say there aren't enough studies that show that organic  products are healthier. Others say, organic is the only way to go because it's safer for their families and the planet. Not everyone is jumping on the healthier decisions band wagon, yet all consumers may need to make more conscious purchasing decisions. For the sake of our planet that our families live in buying products that are bad for our planet is selfish. The most important reason why we need to become conscious consumers is because there is a larger meaning behind our spending. We