The Concious Consumer
As consumers become more and more conscious about their role in the depreciation of our planet, we are switching our lifestyle behavior and making more people, pet and planet friendly decisions. As a consumer myself I have a voice in my head that asks me do you really need this at the time of purchase? How many calories does this have? Is this product tested on animals? And today's biggest question "is this organic?". Some say there aren't enough studies that show that organic products are healthier. Others say, organic is the only way to go because it's safer for their families and the planet. Not everyone is jumping on the healthier decisions band wagon, yet all consumers may need to make more conscious purchasing decisions. For the sake of our planet that our families live in buying products that are bad for our planet is selfish.
The most important reason why we need to become conscious consumers is because there is a larger meaning behind our spending. We buy products all the time; from essential oils to plant-based ingredients products and citrus-extracts ingredients in our cleaners. To non preservatives, bio degradable packaging and cruelty-free food. To purchasing second hand clothes, donating clothes we don't use to purchasing green foods. Consumers should feel confident that when they make a purchase they are keeping in mind that it's healthy for the planet.
A more important reason why making healthy decisions when shopping is because our families will benefit from those products. Making better choices gives consumers a better lifestyle. This is due to that not everyone purchases healthy. The convenience of buying the cheapest thing on the shelf is way different than buying the healthiest option on the shelf. Greener does not mean leaner. Interestingly enough the lack of awareness of healthy brands makes them cheaper most of the time. You come to compare and contrast the prices with the health benefits and it has a positive result. The positive outcome benefits the planet due to that packaging and prices are healthier too.
A least important reason is because it's cheaper. Although, we are conditioned to think that a fast food restaurants, delis, and other small street vendors are more accessible than a Organic market it's not. Once we give thought to everything that went into buying from these convenient stores it's a lot. The gas used to go purchase, the time it takes to wait for your food everyday, and the amount of plastic each order has it's immensely costly. When going organic shopping you are buying quantity and quality of life. You only go once a week or once a month. You are buying healthier products for the planet it's a win win!
In conclusion, being a conscious consumer saves the planet. We should feel confident in the role that we play in our planet because we buy healthier products and because we are conscious consumers. When we are healthy our planet is healthy.
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