
The Concious Consumer

As  consumers become more and more conscious about their role in the depreciation of our planet, we are switching our lifestyle behavior and making more people, pet and planet friendly decisions. As a consumer myself I have a voice in my head that asks me do you really need this at the time of purchase? How many calories does this have? Is this product tested on animals? And today's biggest question "is this organic?". Some say there aren't enough studies that show that organic  products are healthier. Others say, organic is the only way to go because it's safer for their families and the planet. Not everyone is jumping on the healthier decisions band wagon, yet all consumers may need to make more conscious purchasing decisions. For the sake of our planet that our families live in buying products that are bad for our planet is selfish. The most important reason why we need to become conscious consumers is because there is a larger meaning behind our spending. We ...

Organic cleaners versus commercial cleaners

Organic cleaners versus commercial cleaners: what is the difference? Remember when our mother used to wake us up earlier than usual because we had guest coming over, so that we could get started on the housekeeping before they arrived. Commercial cleaners were always at a hands reach. We relied on these commercial cleaners so much because we knew it would help us get the cleaning job done. Some may say that stronger odors gives them the piece of mind they need knowing that these cleaners are killing the bacteria. Others may say that environmentally friendly cleaning products are safer for the planet and still get the job done. Are organic cleaners  as effective as non-organic cleaners? First of, it is a thing from the past looking into your pantry cabinet for brand chemicals to get your daily housekeeping chores. Beyond the Dust offers you a natural cleaning solution . Our cleaners are not traditional because they do not have chemicals that are bad for the body, and th...

A Natural Cleaning Solution Is Safer for Your Family, Your Pets And Your Planet

We live in the Millennials era; a generation that lives organic-based lifestyles. An era when consuming organic foods and organic commercial products is considered healthier for you, your family, your pets and your planet. We should agree on that, what you consume outside of your home changes throughout your day. Making the decision of purchasing a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner is a decision you have to deal with during your lunch breaks, or on your way to the market after work. A new level of conciountiousness is thinking about an all around  greener lifestyle.Thinking about the quality of the air your planet produces should be added to your healthier lifestyle checklist, because the oxygen is consumed by you, your family, and your pets. Your planets' health is as important as your families health. For that reason, buying environmentally friendly products means that you are aware of the benefit these organic foods and products have on you,  your family, your ...